Monday, January 16, 2017


Back in 1997 when our ten year old son was diagnosed with cancer our world changed forever. Our routines changed. Out dreams were altered. New fears entered our lives.

Until that point in time we had always been the ones who gave at the office, not the ones who needed help. When cancer came into our lives we were embraced by our community, and I was humbled by the many acts of kindness. There were meals, fundraisers, babysitting offers, and a comfortable place to stay during our many trips to the hospital.

Galatians 6:2 : "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

At the time I was a fourth grade teacher, and Chris was a fourth grade student. The principal at our school allowed me to choose my substitute teacher, who became a close friend. This enabled me to keep the medical benefits, and the class ran smoothly while I was out for Chris's treatments.

Now it is many years later, and I thought I was retired from full time teaching. But God has other plans. 

I had been dividing my time between substitute teaching and writing, hoping to publish more books, earning a little money in the meantime.

Last year my husband became sick, and our finances suffered. It became necessary to work more hours.

Then came the call. A principal at one of the schools where I substitute asked me to take over a class. The teacher's ten year old son has cancer.

So I have come full cycle. I pass on the legacy of love that was handed to me. I strive each day to be a Galatians 6:2 light to those children and a source of comfort to their teacher, knowing her class is in good hands.

I am reading my children's book, "The Bald-Headed Princess" (Click here.) to the class. The main character is an eleven year old dealing with cancer. The class is learning what their teacher's family is going through, and hopefully, they are becoming  more compassionate human beings in the process.

This is a temporary assignment, and I don't know what next year will bring. I pray that the teacher's son will survive, and that they won't experience a loss like ours.

In the meantime my teaching  skills and my writing, birthed out of tragedy, have been divinely appointed for this particular assignment.

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